
Database of census

In the framework of the policies of democratization of knowledge, access to information and open data of the Faculty of Psychology, we provide the database of the National Census of Psychology. Those who want to download must complete the form that opens after clicking "Download". Thus, we take a record of who accessed the basis for mainly know the reasons for discharge. We are particularly interested, in create a bond with those who will download the basis of aim to develop research in this subject, so that such research can make synergy with the observatory.

Variables dictionary


  El 72,8 % de las/os psicólogas/os reside en Montevideo, mientras que el 27,2 lo hace en el interior
El 85,1 % de las/os psicólogas/os son mujeres
Nueve de cada diez graduados en Uruguay censados, lo hicieron en la Udelar